Pompe de procédé API 610, pompe centrifuge, pompe à bouillonnement
Petrochemical Inspection Robots

Référence des paramètres du produit


Nous adhérons au concept de science et de technologie menant à de nouveaux développements. Nous nous engageons à faire des pompes et vannes Hefei Huasheng une marque de renommée mondiale. Se concentrer principalement sur la R&D et la fabrication pompes de traitement chimique, pompes de circulation pour réacteur d'hydrocraquage, et pompes à flux axial pour réacteur en boucle, applicable aux domaines chimiques et pétrochimiques.

Si vous avez des questions ou des demandes concernant nos produits, veuillez nous envoyer un e-mail ou nous appeler. Nous attendons avec impatience votre coopération.


  • Wheeled intelligent inspection robot
    Our inspection robot is specifically designed for high-risk industries such as chemicals, oil, and gas, efficiently addressing various challenges in equipment management. The robot is capable of performing inspections in environments with high pressure, flammable, explosive, toxic, and harmful media, effectively detecting potential hazards such as leaks, loose bolts, and other dangerous sources, ensuring timely problem identification and reducing the risk of human error during manual inspections. The inspection robot can operate in hazardous gas leak areas for extended periods, protecting personnel from exposure to dangerous environments. With advanced sensor technology and real-time data monitoring systems, it provides accurate and reliable detection results for management. Its multi-functional, efficient operation significantly enhances inspection productivity, reduces labor intensity, and minimizes operational risks. Whether for equipment malfunctions, gas leak detection, or checking for loose components, the inspection robot offers a comprehensive and precise solution, enabling businesses to achieve safer, more efficient, and smarter equipment management.
  • Pipeline tunnel inspection robot
    Our inspection robot is specifically designed for high-risk industries such as chemicals, oil, and gas, efficiently addressing various challenges in equipment management. The robot is capable of performing inspections in environments with high pressure, flammable, explosive, toxic, and harmful media, effectively detecting potential hazards such as leaks, loose bolts, and other dangerous sources, ensuring timely problem identification and reducing the risk of human error during manual inspections. The inspection robot can operate in hazardous gas leak areas for extended periods, protecting personnel from exposure to dangerous environments. With advanced sensor technology and real-time data monitoring systems, it provides accurate and reliable detection results for management. Its multi-functional, efficient operation significantly enhances inspection productivity, reduces labor intensity, and minimizes operational risks. Whether for equipment malfunctions, gas leak detection, or checking for loose components, the inspection robot offers a comprehensive and precise solution, enabling businesses to achieve safer, more efficient, and smarter equipment management.

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+86 0551-64232377

Our hours

Lundi 21/11 - Mer 23/11 : 9h - 20h
Jeu. 24/11 : fermé - Joyeux Thanksgiving !
Vendredi 25/11 : 8h00 - 22h00
Sam 26/11 - Dim 27/11 : 10h - 21h
(toutes les heures sont l'heure de l'Est)


